Racine Montessori School
January 8, 2024

What makes Racine Montessori such a special school community?

In 1963, Racine Montessori School was founded by a group of Racine families who dreamed of giving their children a remarkable educational experience that would support their development in a way that traditional education could not. Their dedication and commitment to our school have grown to include generations of families and alumni, several of whom have returned to serve on our Board or teach at our school.

Montessori child working on an activity with a guide

Because we are a private parent-led school and our administration is Montessori trained, we have the autonomy to make decisions that best benefit our students and community. We are able to adhere to the Montessori principles without having to fit in many of the requirements that are geared towards traditional public schools.

montessori child

Our morning childcare program and morning drop-off schedule allow for a relaxed and peaceful beginning to the school day. Our carline runs from 8:20am until 8:45am, giving families the flexibility to take the time they need to start the day in a positive way. This practice is also a lesson in independence for the younger children who learn to hang their coats and backpacks, then greet their teachers as they enter their classrooms. We also offer aftercare for parents who need to schedule around their work hours.

montessori child and guide inside the classroom

RMS students go out into the community to learn more about what they have studied, to offer their services to others and to delve into new interests that have sparked their curiosity.

montessori child

Our classrooms are spacious and beautiful. They are prepared learning environments in which the children can grow, discover and flourish. The students learn to appreciate and care for everyone and everything in their classroom community.

montessori classroom

RMS parents sit on our Board of Directors. They are involved in many of our school events and are vital to the success of our school programs. Our families are invested in making Racine Montessori a safe and amazing place in which their children can grow and learn.

montessori child working on an activity with a guide

Our children spend time exploring the outdoors. They can grow things in our greenhouse, care for our nature center, relax in our peace garden and have many Montessori adventures on our school grounds.

Montessori children working on an activity with a guide

After 60 years of Montessori experience, we are sure of who we are and what our mission is. Racine Montessori is here to assist every child who enters through our doors to reach their full and unique potential, developing confidence, independence, respect and a deep love of learning. These are qualities that will shape our students for the rest of their lives and will not only benefit them but the world they live in.

Students and guide in a Montessori classroom
December 1, 2024
What, exactly, is the role of the Montessori teacher? How is it so different from that of any other teacher? Sometimes it’s easiest to begin by explaining what a Montessori teacher isn’t. A Montessori teacher is less like the traditional idea of an instructor, and more like a gentle guide. They don’t consider it their job to give a child information. They rather lead children in the general direction and give them the tools they need to find the information themselves. Maria Montessori once said, “The greatest sign of success for a teacher...is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’” Montessori Teachers Cultivate Independence In a Montessori classroom, rather than seeing a teacher at the front of the classroom giving the same lesson to every child, the teacher will be working quietly with individual children or small groups. While that is happening the rest of the children are free to spend their time doing the work that calls to them. A Montessori teacher works hard to create structures that allow children to be independent and to trust themselves as learners. One large part of what a Montessori teacher does is to intentionally prepare a classroom environment that is developmentally appropriate, is inviting to children, and supports them on their journey to work independently. This environment is constantly changing in tiny ways as the teacher notices new and evolving needs of the students. Montessori Teachers are Trained to Think Like Scientists Parents should know that Montessori teachers are highly trained. Most have recognized Montessori credentials in addition to their college degrees. Montessori certification programs are intensive and demanding; one might compare them as being the equivalent of another college degree. These training programs don’t just teach Montessori educators how to use the specialized materials; there is extensive coursework about Montessori philosophy, child development, and integrating the arts. When it comes to assessments, Montessori teachers don’t rely on standardized tests; they rely on the power of observation. They have notebooks brimming with evidence of what their students have mastered, need more support with, and are curious about. They are constantly recording what they notice children working on, how that work is being executed, and ideas they might have in anticipation of a child’s next steps. Montessori teachers literally sit beside a child and determine exactly what they know about a wide range of content areas. Montessori Teachers Think Long-Term Because of Montessori’s three-year cycles, teachers have the unique ability to consider their big picture when working with students. There is a natural tendency to allow the children to genuinely learn at their own pace. Getting to know a child and their family well over the course of a few years really supports this approach. Montessori Teachers are Often Called ‘Guides’ ...and for good reason. While children in Montessori classrooms have an abundance of choice in their educational pursuits, Montessori is based on the idea of ‘freedom within limits’. It’s the Montessori teacher’s job to carefully craft those limits. Children rely on having a certain amount of structure in place. This gives them comfort and a safe place in which they can take risks and try new things. Montessori teachers set some boundaries and then carefully help students navigate within them. What if your second grader loves to read but tends to avoid math? Their Montessori teacher will find ways to ensure the math still gets done. Sometimes this involves a gentle discussion with a child about time management skills, priorities, or setting goals. Sometimes the teacher will find a way to integrate the child’s interests into the less desirable work. Sometimes all it takes is a minor change in the environment. Montessori teachers gives children freedom, but they assist children in finding their way to success in this environment. Montessori teachers value independence, self-reliance, and intrinsic motivation. They also value cooperation, kindness, and strength in community. Still curious? Call us to set up an appointment today to observe in a classroom. See what Montessori is really all about.
Children working together with the Montessori Pink Tower
November 1, 2024
One hallmark of a Montessori education is the use of multi-age classrooms. Infants and toddlers may be together or separate, with a toddler classroom serving children 18 months to three years. Primary classrooms are for children ages 3-6, with preschool and kindergarten-aged children together. The elementary years serve children ages 6-12; some schools separate into lower (6-9) and upper (9-12) elementary, while many split elementary into two groups. Even Montessori middle- and high-school students learn in multi-age classrooms. While Montessori is not the only type of education that utilizes this approach, it’s not what most people are used to. What are the benefits of structuring a classroom this way? Read on to learn more... Learning at an Individual Pace Children in multi-age classrooms tend to have a little more flexibility when it comes to mastering skills within a specific timeframe. We know that learning is not linear, and that learners have periods of significant growth, plateaus, and even the occasional regression. In multi-age classrooms, children are typically able to work at their own pace without the added pressure of keeping up with the whole group, or even being held back by the whole group. When children in a classroom range in ages, everyone has someone they can work with, regardless of their skill level. Children don’t feel left behind if they struggle with a concept, and they also don’t feel bored by repetition of something they have already mastered. Teachers who teach in multi-age classrooms typically have deep knowledge for a range of developmental abilities, leaving them well-equipped to differentiate instruction for each individual child. Building Stronger Relationships Traditionally children move from one class to the next each year. This means not only a new set of academic expectations, different routines, and different classroom structures, but a different teacher. In multi-age classrooms teachers have a longer period of time to get to know a student and their family, and vice versa. When teachers really get to know a student, they are able to tailor instruction in regards to both content and delivery. They know how to hook a specific child onto a topic or into a lesson. They know what kind of environment a child needs to feel successful. Parents have an opportunity to get to know teachers better this way, too. If your child has the same teacher for two or three years, the lines of communication are strengthened. Parents get to know the teacher’s style and expectations. The home to school connection becomes more seamless, and the biggest beneficiary is the child. Mentors and Leaders When a child spends multiple years in the same class they are afforded two very special opportunities. Children who are new to the class are fortunate enough to be surrounded by helpful peer mentors. Children often learn best from one another, and they seek to do so naturally. First and second year students watch as the older children enjoy advanced, challenging work, and this inspires them. They look to the older children for guidance, and the older children are happy to provide it. After a year or two in the same room, students have a chance to practice leadership skills. In Montessori classrooms, the older children are often seen giving lessons, helping to clean up spills, or reaching out a comforting hand to their younger friends. The best part is kids make the transition from observer to leader in their own time. It doesn’t happen for all children at the same time, but when it does it’s pretty magical to observe. Mirroring Real-Life There is no other area in life in which people are split into groups with others who are exactly their chronological age. Whether in the family, the workforce or elsewhere, people ultimately need to coexist with people older and younger than themselves. Doing so makes for a more enriching environment, replete with a variety of ideas and skills. Why not start the experience with young children in school? Moving On While staying in the same class for multiple school years has many benefits, a child will eventually transition into a new class. While this can feel bittersweet (for everyone involved!) children are typically ready when it is time. The Montessori approach is always considering what is most supportive of children depending on their development. When formulating how to divide children into groupings, Maria Montessori relied on her ideas about the Planes of Development. There are very distinctive growth milestones children tend to reach at about age 3, another set around age 6, and yet another at age 12. The groupings in our schools are intentional, and they give kids a chance to feel comfortable in their community, while also preparing them to soar forward when the time is right.
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