Jade is currently residing in the Third Ward of Milwaukee and is working as the Program Director of Brio Studios Shorewood. As a nationally-recognized creative arts studio, Brio cherishes local endeavors and strives to share love for the arts and education with the students, community, and beyond. So many fundamental roots of hers that were founded at RMCS! Jade is a mother to a 4.5-year-old daughter named Finley and looks forward to coming full circle as Finley begins her Montessori journey next year!
When reflecting on the impact RMCS had on her life, Jade shared:
"I think I could write a novel if I were to fully describe how RMCS has impacted my life, so I'll try to keep it short! First and foremost, I absolutely would not be the person I am today without RMCS. I like to think of RMCS as a feeling, and a deep one at that! To my incredible teachers and principal: Dawn, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. K. Lewis. It wouldn’t be me without you, so thank you. My love for you all and RMCS is big and the memories will last a lifetime!"
Montessori intant in the classroom