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RMS 60 years of learning
Racine Montessori 60 years of learning


Join alumni families and former students to celebrate our 60th Anniversary Reunion. Enjoy hors'doeuvres and sample beers and wines provided by Timers while listening to live music from The Doug Clum jazz quartet.


For 60 years, RMS has sent children off into the world, carrying the values of a sense of community, a commitment to peaceful resolution and a lifelong love of learning. The world is made better by children nurtured by love. 


If you or  your child benefitted from RMS, come  home and celebrate with us. Please help our school to recover from 3 years without the financial support of fundraisers; RMS needs us now. Support the school we love by attending our 60th Anniversary Reunion, or by sending a gift.


Racine Montessori 60th Anniversary Sponsors
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